After our final farewell breakfast on the balcony overlooking the bay, we reluctantly grabbed our packs and started the mammoth mission of walking up and over the hill in the direction of the pier for our boat back to the mainland. Along the way we were lucky enough the have the friendly people from the bungalows pick us up and take us the whole way their as they were on their way to pick up passengers from an arriving boat.

We dumped our bags at the boat pier and sat on a new balcony doing the same thing we've been doing for days: enjoying fruit shakes overlooking the marine blues and turquoise greens of Koh Tao's waters. After a while we joined Sean and Wendy for more drinks and general conversation - attempting to plan a rendezvous in a few days time in Malaysia.
We spent yet more time indulging in food and drink before making our way to the pier to board the boat. 

While on the boat we watched a storm make its way over Koh Tao, almost disappointed that we'd missed it - tropical storms are always such a spectacle, plus they provide a much welcome cool-down!!
As we made our way towards the pier we crept through the port waters passing hundreds of colourful fishing boats hiding out from the impending storm while reorganising their boats or sitting around having beers while waving at the falang passing by!

We jumped on a bus and 15 minutes later were arriving at the train station with one thing on our mind: street food. Luckily we didn't have to walk far before finding a nice lady to cook us up a great meal, while listening to a mix of Western and Thai dance music blaring out of boy racer style car sound system.
After dinner we sat at the train station, grumbling each time our train got further and further delayed - we eventually boarded at midnight when we should've left at 9pm!
On board we battled for our beds as a grumpy old man had taken ours, but eventually we got snuggled in and tried to get some sleep ...
Adlibing from Tao to train.
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