After drinking and dining our way through several sunny days it was time to revert to the usual adlibing travel ways! This meant we wandered our way through the sleeping town to the side of the road that was our number one bus stop for the day. Bus stop number five was our last, and it at this one that we were deposited at Colva beach. The buses granted us superb scenery, especially when we crossed the huge waterways flowing westward towards the nearby sea.
The final bus to Colva had us questioning for the first time in a while whether we wanted to travel super budget anymore - in a bus made for 20 we managed to pack at least 100 sweaty, stinky people, which then took 40 minutes to cover a 6km drive!! We could have done it in 10 minutes for only $2 more between three of us ... ?!

In Colva we found huts in a quiet part of town, following Peter's memories to lead us in the right direction. One of the main reasons we came to Colva is that Peter's Indian advice has yet to let us down, and with the man himself in the lead we could continue our beach-bum relaxing!

After lunch we made our way down to the beach where we came face-to-face with thousands and thousands of Indian holiday makers. In complete contrast to Arambol beach, which is a beach for foreign tourists, Colva is mainly used by Indians. While this means Liv doesn't feel comfortable swimming here (due to the huge groups of Indian men who stand staring and taking photos of white girls in bikinis) is nice to remember which country we're in. Plus it's always so nice to see Indians out and about having a ball!!
Oh, and Goa's not a dry state, which means there are many cold, cheap beers for the boys to enjoy while we watch the sun set on our day again.

Adlibing it beach to beach.
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