Our train to Mumbai leaves at 9.30pm tonight, so for our final day in Udaipur we decided to chill - we know that Mumbai will be fast paced and budget breaking, so today might be our last day of peace for a few days.
After breakfast we crossed the lake via a semi-redundant bridge as the lake slowly evaporates when the monsoon rains are light. On the other side we found an even quieter and more relaxed part of town, semi wishing we'd found it earlier for the cheap food and quiet.
We sat on the edge of a washing ghat amazed at the green slime being pushed away so clothes could be dumped in the murky waters. We had company in the form of 2 kids wanting conversation and rupees - they got conversation (well the little we could scrape together with our hindi and their English) but lucked out with the rupees!!
The afternoon post-internet, was spent continuing the people watching theme on our rooftop where we sat drinking chai and admiring the sun piercing the clouds, before jumping in a rickshaw to deliver us to the train station.
Adlibing it easy.
After breakfast we crossed the lake via a semi-redundant bridge as the lake slowly evaporates when the monsoon rains are light. On the other side we found an even quieter and more relaxed part of town, semi wishing we'd found it earlier for the cheap food and quiet.

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