Friday, January 23, 2009

Day 596 - Beach bums, take 2

The shape of our day was pretty much exactly the same as yesterday - with one slight variation: after a late lunch we took a 20 minute walk along the beach and around a rocky outcrop where a smaller beach and freshwater lake awaited us. Along the way the resident beach cows lay in the sun, taking their afternoon siesta!
Between the lake and the sea was a 20m stretch of sand and here we found another restaurant to continue our theme, and Adam was the only one with enough energy to jump into the lake for a dip.
As we made our way back to our bungalow paradise, Adam parted ways for his evening run under the setting sun. During the run he came across huge groups of modern day hippies dancing, playing music, and generally chilling to the beach vibe that Goa provides.

Adlibing fun in the sun.

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