A few weeks ago Adam was crook in bed for the day, and today there was a repeat only we traded places! So while Liv felt sorry for herself and spent the day napping and reading at our Bishkek home, Adam went out to get some things done. First mission: provide food for Liv (tick). Second mission: souvenir hunt - this mission started off relatively well with Adam finding a good place to buy things, but decided to wait for the other half of the adlibing crew who happens to have better taste and can calculate exchanges properly (tick). Part 2 of second mission: fail ...
As Adam tried to make it to a bazaar, the problem of being a single tourist reared its ugly head and Adam was followed and called after to stop for an hour and a half by 2 police officers. In Kyrgyzstan, you avoid police like the plague, or your wallet can end up empty ...

The only positive about being followed was that Adam wove his way from Victory Square to Dubovy Park and all around many of the green parks with numerous statues and old buildings that pop up everywhere in Bishkek.

Finally Adam found refuge in an internet cafe where he spent a few hours catching up on blogging and then waited an hour for a marshrutka home to his girl.
Adlibing police and pillows.
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