Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Day 628 - Time to say goodbye

After a restless night in the airport we got up around 4.30am to check in and start the journey back to India.

As the plane flew out over this small Island of Sri Lanka, we thought back to when we were deciding between spending the money to make the trip over here at all - boy are we glad we came, as it has been a refreshing 12 days immersed in the friendly culture and beautiful environment of Sri Lanka. We would whole heartedly recommend anyone to visit, and we hope we can make it back one day. And for those budget travellers like us, it is possible to do it on a budget - we ended up spending the same as what we spend in India - we just had to work a bit harder for it!!

All too soon we were back in India and battling bodies to squeeze onto the metro that would deposit us at the train station that we would call home for the next 12 hours until our 2-night train to Kolkata! At the train station we varied our time between eating, reading our books and going on the internet - an exciting way to spend the day at the train station!!

Adlibing it back to India.

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