Saturday, February 14, 2009

Day 618 - Sri Lankan beach bums

As we knew from our wanderings last night that we couldn't afford to eat out for breakfast, lunch and dinner, this morning we set off down the road to buy bread, jam, and bananas to sustain us for the next few days at the beach. Just as we were coming back to our room a gigantic lizard as long as our arm jumped in front of us - don't know who got the biggest surprise, us or the lizard, but it was a cool thing to see.
Afterwards we did what we came to Unawatuna to do: laze on the wonderfully stunning beach! As you can see from the photos the water is such an amazing aqua colour that changes to an icy blue as the water deepens. With a coral reef sneaking around the tip of the beach, we had a calm water playland to enjoy the day away.
We wandered along the beach and up a path to a stupa perched on a hill, if we were in NZ this spot would have sported a lighthouse - but as Sri Lanka is one of the cradles of buddhism, the stupa fits perfectly. As we perched on the sun warmed rocks we got an amazing sunset to finish off an already amazing day.
Adlibing a beach paradise

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