We "woke" up this morning in a totally new state - Kerala, one of the most southern states in all India.

By 11am our train rolled into Ernakulum station and while many passengers jumped in rickshaws to the jetty, we went by foot power - and we all ended up on the same ferry to Cochin anyway!
On the island of Cochin we set about our usual task of walking around and around and around until we find a decent room at a decent price. Peter who had promised to follow our footsteps gave up and took a rickshaw, but 5 minutes later we found the room for us!!

We met Peter in a restaurant for lunch, where he order beer that came served in a teapot and mug! This is because Kerala is a dry state and so it's illegal to sell beer in restaurants!
After lunch we made our way to the waterfront where Cochin's main attraction lay waiting for us: Chinese style fishing nets that require 5 or so men to haul up the catch. Adam loved watching all this body movement and it'll be hard for Liv to pry him away in search of palaces and churches tomorrow!!

Today we managed to make some money in India by selling one of our books to a second hand bookstore for about $3 - not bad really, as this will buy us dinner tonight!!

While fighting our way through hundreds of kids jamming into their rickshaw school buses, we had a frantic hour of retracing our steps on search of our lost room key, only to return sheepishly to the hotel to find the owners smiling away at our mistake: we had left it on the table when checking in! Ooops.
As we didn't get much sleep on the train we all had a much needed kip before meeting up again for a candle lit dinner - a product of India's power problem.
Adlibing it to the island.
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