Although we only arrived in Fort Cochin yesterday, we are already a little bored here so are leaving this afternoon. We wouldn't really recommend a visit here - not only is it quite a tourist trap but it is very expensive. AND the hotels are rude. Well that's how our morning started off anyway ...
We weren't catching the bus until mid-afternoon and the hotel checkout time is 11am, so we packed up our things and went down to the hotel foyer to pay. Usually it's no problem to leave our bags behind the desk at hotels but this guy told us there was no room (he says this while standing in an office about the size of a huge living room). Obviously he's just a jerk!
What this meant though was that we spent the day sightseeing in 32 degrees with our packs on our backs, which tried our patience.

But by the end of the day we had seen a few more churches, gazed in over the Dutch cemetery (closed), stood outside the Dutch Palace (closed) and skipped the synagogue (closed)!!! The best part of the day was walking along the seashore and watching the fishing nets in action. Even though we saw these yesterday, they're still pretty cool.

At 2pm our sitting on the side of the road and hoping a bus would come paid off and we were on our way to Allepey. With accommodation and washing sorted we went off to the internet to book the flights to Sri Lanka we'd been planning for the last 2 weeks. We spent the next 2 hours dealing with credit card / airline issues - only some airlines allow international visa cards to work on their site, and the one we chose didn't let us use ours!!!
In the end we managed to find a solution which means we head to Sri Lanka on the 13th of Feb!!
At 9.30pm we finally managed to get dinner - it's great to be getting cheap, tasty Indian food again, after being in towns with limited and expensive options.
Adlibing it even when it's closed!
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