Saturday, February 28, 2009
Day 632 - Waiting for the reunion
We finally found a phone so we could call home to new mum and dad, Mindy and Martin, to have a chat about our gorgeous wee nephew.
When the boys arrived we caught up on travel stories and future plans before making our way to dinner, streetside chai (tasted sweet, but the our noses battled with the sewer under our feet), and then played cards late into the night.
Adlibing it with friends.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Day 631 - Bumping it to Bodhgaya
Once in Bodhgaya we searched for a good room, and then promptly fell asleep! The accumulated weariness of 5 days travel and 4 days hard sleeping, we felt a snooze was well deserved. The Adlibing adventure isn't always a holiday in many respects, and although we're not working we feel like we work for our experiences!
Adlibing a bed.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
We are absolutely gutted we couldn't be there to meet him, but it's just one more amazing thing to look forward to on our return!

Love from Aunty and Uncle Adlibers.
Day 630 - Kickin' it in Kolkata
We rolled into Kolkata 3 hours behind schedule (not bad really considering we been on the train for 2 whole nights), and set off to the Bangladesh High Commission. Turns out that while we were rolling on the train, Border Guards and the army had a bit of a skirmish with open fire in Dhaka - this compounded with the excessive $200 each for a visa and the fact we're ready to leave the Indian sub-continent, made our decision to skip Bangladesh and head straight to Bangkok.
The only kind of sightseeing we did in Kolkata was wandering the streets where we witnessed the dying generation of man-powered rickshaws roaming the streets.
As we have another train tonight (yes, we enjoy punishing ourselves - we might get a shower and a bed tomorrow night, 5 nights after our last one!), we spent the day organising trains to met some friends for a few days and our plane outa here!!
We made it to the train station witnessing an awesome sunset as our bus cruised over the bridge, but the enjoyment factor was crushed when we realised our passports were gone. With only one place they could be we forked out for a taxi to take us back to town to pick them up! We made it back to the station with plenty of time for a quick feed, and soon we were rolling out of Kolkata.
Adlibing tickets.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Day 629 - Train time

Adlibing too many hours on the train.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Day 628 - Time to say goodbye
As the plane flew out over this small Island of Sri Lanka, we thought back to when we were deciding between spending the money to make the trip over here at all - boy are we glad we came, as it has been a refreshing 12 days immersed in the friendly culture and beautiful environment of Sri Lanka. We would whole heartedly recommend anyone to visit, and we hope we can make it back one day. And for those budget travellers like us, it is possible to do it on a budget - we ended up spending the same as what we spend in India - we just had to work a bit harder for it!!
All too soon we were back in India and battling bodies to squeeze onto the metro that would deposit us at the train station that we would call home for the next 12 hours until our 2-night train to Kolkata!

Adlibing it back to India.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Day 627 - Beaches and benches
Waking up with the beach so tantalisingly close across the road we figured we could fit in a full morning repeat of the snoozing and swimming of yesterday. We could only fit in a half day as we had at least 5-6 hours of bus hopping to get us to the airport where we slept in order to catch our early morning flight tomorrow morning.
It was sad to leave this small village paradise nestled along a sandy bay, and our usual adlibing way would be to stay longer, this isn't possible when you have a prebooked flight that you can't afford to miss!!
Adlibing another night sleeping on airport benches.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Day 626 - One last day at the beach
In the evening we got up enough energy to walk up to the stupa to watch the sun fall into the edge of the ocean spraying its colour along the sky as it went.
Dinner was usual rice and curry, in a friendly family atmosphere - just one of the highlights we'll take away from this welcoming country.
Adlibing a lazy day.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Day 625 - A reunion with Mala
As we passed through Colombo station we couldn't help but think of the 2 Tamil Tiger planes that had attacked the previous night loaded with c4 - a reminder that we are in a country that is still fighting a civil war 25 years after it started.
When we arrived back in Unawatuna we headed straight for Mala's guesthouse, and were greeted with a huge smile of recognition and welcoming. It didn't take long to dump the bags, break out the togs and jump in the water!
The brief tropical storm that hit in the later afternoon couldn't even keep Adam from the water, but eventually we headed in for shelter in the room, where Mala treated us to a fresh pot of tea and coconut pancakes.
For dinner we returned to the family house we'd enjoyed so much last time, for a feed of delicious curry and rice. It's nice to go back to a place that although is catered for the upmarket traveller, it still has locals who remember backpacker budgets and treat them as something other than an ATM.
Adlibing it at the beach again.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Day 624 - Exploring some gruesome caves
There are 4 caves inside this temple complex, all complete with buddha statues and wall paintings. The most disturbing aspect however was that the predominant theme was punishment - and punishment in the extreme! Very gruesome indeed!!
It was interesting to see the cave where the teachings of Buddha were first put down in writing on palm leaves that had been dried and flattened in a lengthy process.
From one of the stupas something high up the hill caught our eye, and we were soon heading up a path with a strange "guide" who also wanted to have a look. Turns out the Korean government is funding a huge seated Buddha to overlook the valley and temple, complete with cable-car! We were stoked to get the view from the top out over the Knuckles Range and be the only ones there - we're sure that once the gondola is up and running this peacefulness won't last!
Back in town we bought a small Sri Lankan souvenier and went to the fruit and vege markets to top up our vitamin stores - the finds of the day were fresh avocados, tomatos and pineapple!
As we made our way back around Kandy lake we stopped to pick up fresh bread and cheese for our feast tonight! That means no bananas and bread for us today!
Adlibing it before the gondola.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Day 623 - Pilgram's Peak
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Day 622 - A scenic railway ride
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Day 621 - Tea trails
Our destination is Ella, a quaint wee village tucked amongst tea fields in the hill country of Sri Lanka. The first half of the journey was an enjoyable tiki-tour along the southern shore, in and out of fishing villages and past beaches. As we turned inland and begun climbing, our conductor jumped out at a roadside temple and gave a donation and made a prayer - not sure if this is a good sign or bad?
When we arrived in Ella we were immediately glad of our decision to come here. We found ourselves in a beautiful guesthouse completely surrounded by pine forests, that reminded us a lot of being home. We almost feel like we have the world to ourselves up here, it's so peaceful.
After we settled in we made our way up to small Adam's peak where a local guy took us under his wing and guided us through the trails that lead through the millions of hectares of tea fields. He parted at the base of the hill, and left us for the climb - even though only 10 minutes up we got amazing views out over a lush land with a view of the Ravana waterfalls we passed on the way up in the bus.
On the way down we watched as gleeful ladies with delicate hands picked the leaves and buds of the trees and laid them into the sacks they balance on their heads as they move along.
We found a little restaurant for lunch where the friendly cook told us of another trail to follow through some more fields, which we did after getting our fill!
As we had a huge lunch we elaborated on our bread and banana diet by throwing in a huge pot of buffalo curd and a mango, which we devoured for dinner, after watching the sun slowly set on this green paradise.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Day 620 - Swimming in the surf
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Day 619 - Magical Mirissa
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Day 618 - Sri Lankan beach bums
Friday, February 13, 2009
Day 617 - Soaring into Sri Lanka
In the time it took us to get from the airport down the coast to the beach we were pointed in the right direction by soldiers sporting machine guns and smiles; our bus was stopped, emptied and searched by military officers while we were the only ones who got to stay on the bus; we were escorted onto a local bus by a tuk-tuk driver; and were directed to a cheaper hotel by another hotel owner! Talk about Sri Lankan hospitality!
During the 3 hour bus ride down the western coast to Unawatuna beach we were treated to a visual scenic overload. As we swerved our way along the sea shore we passed a variety a different temples, from elaborate Hindu carvings to simple but towering white Buddhist stupas. The water ways that led inland from the sea were gorgeous greens and blues with lush foliage taking a dip at the shoreline. Best of all was the colourful sunset we got over the ocean as we neared to our final destination.
After getting our bargain room (US$4, right across from the beach) with the wonderful Mala at Coralland, we set off in search of food. It was then that we got the shock of how expensive things were here! As we entered and left each restaurant asking prices, our jaws dropped lower and lower at the prices - for goodness sakes, many places had things listed in Euros! Luckily we stumbled across a family home who dish out rice and curry (one Sri Lankan staple) to the budget travellers of Unawatuna each night! It was here sitting in the family room that we met JP and Nico, a couple of other travellers who we would dine with over the next few nights, and give us some tips for our (guide book-less) Sri Lankan journey.
Adlibing it with a new camera
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Day 616 - Mamallapuram's monuments

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Day 615 - Camera dramas in Chennai

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Day 614 - Killing time in Kollam
We managed to fill the day with food, internet, exercise and naps. The highlight was seeing hundreds of eagles gracefully carving up the air as they waited for the tides to change and their meals to come swimming up the backwaters!
Come 6.40pm we were on the train, and settled in for another overnight trip that would take us from west to east coast.
Adlibing it coast to coast.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Day 613 - Back on the boat
At 3pm we checked out and went across the river to wait for the boat to come and take us to Kollam. The journey for the first hour was amazing with lush palm trees lining the water's edge, eagles soaring above, and jellyfish working their way against the current.
Adlibing it to another backwater town.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Day 612 - Ashram life
There are lots of people (Indian and foreign) who stay here for months at a time, and are obviously staunch devotees, but there are also quite a few people like us who have just come along for a few days to check it out. We never felt like we weren't welcome, and everyone was extremely nice to us. Most long-timers dress completely in white and you can really feel a sense of collectiveness.
For us the day was spent in observation of the people and their practices, whose faces are lit up in what can only be described as contentment.
The ashram feels both traditional and modern - its accommodation towers seem totally out of place in the stretch of land sitting between the ocean and backwaters, but the setting is undeniably beautiful. And the view from the roof is incredible!
Although Indian meals are free there is also an amazing western cafe there where you can buy yummy western food and coffee - not what we expected coming here, but it was a great surprise. The food, cakes, and coffee might just be the best western food we've had since leaving home!!
Adlibing the ashram.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Day 611 - Boating through the backwaters
This Ashram is based around a female Guru known as the "hugging mother", who travels around India and the world giving people hugs and speaking about what she believes in. While some may see it as a semi-cult like place, what we saw were happy people and an amazing woman who raises a lot of money for struggling Indians and foreigners alike.
We were lucky with our timing as Amma ("mother") is at the ashram at the moment - though it was a little bit stressful trying to arrive on time to ensure our hug! We were even luckier to get our hug today and have it in the temple instead of the main hall where hugs are usually given.
We weren't sure what to expect from our hug, and after waiting for a couple of hours in line to get it (so far Amma has hugged millions and millions of people) we were getting pretty hungry. But we have to admit it was quite nice getting a hug from someone who so many people admire and flock to see. Even Liv the hug-o-phobic rather enjoyed it!!
Adlibing hugs.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Day 610 - Crusing Fort Cochin
We weren't catching the bus until mid-afternoon and the hotel checkout time is 11am, so we packed up our things and went down to the hotel foyer to pay. Usually it's no problem to leave our bags behind the desk at hotels but this guy told us there was no room (he says this while standing in an office about the size of a huge living room). Obviously he's just a jerk!
What this meant though was that we spent the day sightseeing in 32 degrees with our packs on our backs, which tried our patience.

In the end we managed to find a solution which means we head to Sri Lanka on the 13th of Feb!!
At 9.30pm we finally managed to get dinner - it's great to be getting cheap, tasty Indian food again, after being in towns with limited and expensive options.
Adlibing it even when it's closed!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Day 609 - An island port

On the island of Cochin we set about our usual task of walking around and around and around until we find a decent room at a decent price. Peter who had promised to follow our footsteps gave up and took a rickshaw, but 5 minutes later we found the room for us!!

After lunch we made our way to the waterfront where Cochin's main attraction lay waiting for us: Chinese style fishing nets that require 5 or so men to haul up the catch. Adam loved watching all this body movement and it'll be hard for Liv to pry him away in search of palaces and churches tomorrow!!

As we didn't get much sleep on the train we all had a much needed kip before meeting up again for a candle lit dinner - a product of India's power problem.
Adlibing it to the island.