Saturday, November 15, 2008

Day 527 - Kagbeni

As Kagbeni is such a cool place we decided to stay here an extra day to really explore it! We started out at 7am for the walk up the huge hill behind the village, and after a 2 hour climb we were truly rewarded with breath taking views stretching along the Kali Gandaki river and all the way to the border of Tibet. It was an amazing feeling to know we were looking out over the one place we both dream of going to, and have dreamed of going to for years - but a dream crushed by the mighty, money grabbing hand of the Chinese government. We also got a great view of the Throng-La Pass we conquered only a few days ago. Liv made her way down into town while Adam and the Canadian boys climbed even higher and jumped their way down the scree slopes - descending at break neck speed!

Back in town we attempted (well Liv attempted and Adam succeeded) to climb up to a couple of caves - one where a lama meditated for 3 years, 3 months and 3 days, and the other lived in up until only 50 years ago. While Liv hung out in our hotel (Red House Lodge), built around a 300 year old monastery with intricately carved pillars, prayer wheels and a huge seated Buddha, Adam explored more of the town finding lots of surprises along the way. After delicious dinner and apple crumble with custard for dessert the boys (including student Ben who's living in Kagbeni for a few months) went along to the new monastery for a night of festivities. Tonight is the night where the demons and all bad things are scared out of the village by people dressed up in costumes (including Adam, Ryan, Derek and Ben!) who run around town yelling their lungs out while taking offerings to the ancient statues that guard opposite ends of the village. The night ended with the boys eating fortune cookies (really just hard lumps of dough) until they were sick. From the hotel room Liv could even hear Adams yells throughout town!! A great night heard by all (well except for the cookies and the many near falls due to not being able to see through masks in the pitch black night)!!!

Adlibing the Tibetan horizon.

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