A fair chunk of the afternoon was spent doing the near impossible task of finding pops some shoes that fit (he's one size too big for Chinese shoes!) for him to climb the mountain tomorrow. We were about to settle for huge, rather funny white and silver basketball shoes, when we finally found some nice, simple sports shoes.
Adam managed to get his walking shoes repaired for 1 kuai, so hopefully they'll last a few more months yet! Luckily there's always a fix-it man close by in China. On his way to the shoe fix-it man Adam managed to adlib his way through some old narrow streets, taking in the way of life that is typically Chinese and found everywhere we go - but always enjoyable!
We also managed (well, mainly mum and dad) to find some gifts to send back home for family before settling in for a great meal just off the old street, where the boys got to enjoy local Yellow Mountain beef, and mum and dad tried bamboo shoots!
Apart from finding dinner tonight, we're literally about to pack and prepare ourselves for waking up at an ungodly hour in the morning.
Adlibing it around town.
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