Sunday, July 5, 2009

Day 759 - ATM attacks

This morning Adam shot off for a surfing lesson with our next door neighbour who was set on having Adam ride a real wave instead of heading straight for the beach on the whitewash. A few hours in the water eventually paid off in fist pumping screams of excitement a product of the rush of riding a real wave.

We continued our obsession with shopping, and spent some time at the photo shop getting some of our favourite travel shots blown up and developed.

After an afternoon of lazy beach side activities and a lovely dinner of local cuisine, we headed to the ATM to refill our wallets. And that's when we were attacked, well more like robbed, by the ATM!! After putting in our card and our PIN the ATM decided to give us our money, but keep the card!

This resulted in an evening of hanging out beside the ATM, stopping others using it, and waiting for a technician to come and rescue us. We filled the time by re-telling our favourite Peter stories - even though he departed our adlibing team a few months ago, he still manages to cheer us up and make us laugh!

Luckily we only had to wait an hour and a half, and we got our card back - to be honest we expected many more hours, and possibly a night sleeping beside the ATM. Nice work Bali Bank!

Adlibing it with our card back.

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