This is short flight from NZ, but the scenery couldn't be more different: bamboo forests are harvested and pointy hats bend over fields with handfuls of green plants to be submerged in mud. Matching the difference in scenery is the lifestyle where barefooted women balance everything from buckets of water to food to bundles of firewood on their head, one we noticed while balancing her load was walking down steep steps, with a child in her arms.
Although we had to resort to the map a lot, we made it to the base of Mt Agung (the day's destination) without much hassle. Here we got to see the Puru Pasar Agung (Mt temple) shrouded in a blanket of mist.
While this gave it a surreal feeling it also meant that we couldn't see the volcano we were about to climb, nor the views down over Bali. 

We wandered through the forest for an hour or 2, but eventually headed back due to too limited time and the mist that was gradually suffocating more and more of the scenery.

Before reaching the car we stopped to enjoy a picnic lunch – Rita's introduction to vegemite was a complete failure, but not unexpected!!
We wound our way along the coastal roads back to Legian where we all separated to rest our weary bodies – it's just not right to wake up before 7am on your holiday!!
In the evening the original Adlibers hung out at a cheapy restaurant attempting to maintain a grasp on their cheap travelling days - none of this hiring cars business!! Though we love having mumbles and pops do it for us!!
Adlibing it with a chauffeur.
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