It's possible we may be taking the relaxing thing too far, after sleeping in until 10am and not eating breakfast until 11am - but we really don't care!!
Today was the first main party day of Tihar, and come night time people were out in force playing music, singing, and dancing.

Along the streets were oil lamps lit up to light the way for Lakshmi (the goddess of wealth) into their homes and shops, and garlands of flowers hung in doorways.

At the main intersection a group made a huge flower out of coloured sand and petals, surrounded by oil lamps that were vigilantly kept burning all night.
Where ever we were there were children going from shop to shop singing their hearts out in the hope of getting some money - kind of like trick or treat in the west!!

Some of the larger groups had dancers and accompanying bands, and looked like they were making a bit of money too! We generally sat back and enjoyed the festivities and in the evening went along to Trailfinder for some celebrating where we were fed fruit and intensely sugary sweets!!!

Afterwards Liv went home to read her new book, while Adam went out with Joe and Adam for curry and general hanging out, sneaking back to the hotel in the early hours of the morning.
Adlibing Tihar.
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