Thursday, July 24, 2008

Day 413 - Our last day in UB

After a lazy morning hanging out at the hostel and packing our packs - which we have to carry again without beloved Bimba and the Yak-smasher - we set out for some more internetting. After an hour or so we quickly tired and got hungry and decided a Mongolian feast would be a better use of our time. So along with Marco we headed to a Mongolian restaurant where we ran into Magnus (a Brit we had met on the road in the middle of the Gobi).

Later on (after yet some more time on the internet), our dinner turned into a real stress - first of all the restaurant we had wanted to go to was closed, and by the time we found another that suited our tastes we had an hour to order, eat, go to the bank, and get back to the hostel in order to get our packs and make it to the train station on time. We ended up taking a doggy bag, and making a very fast walk/jog to the guesthouse, where Idre greeted us with "why haven't you left yet?"! Needless to say, we grabbed our packs and boosted our way to the train station where we made it with plenty of time!

We boarded the train and got to know our berth-mates - 2 pretty decent guys from Italy who looked really familiar. One walked like he'd been violated (by a horse or something) and other looked about 19, though with a beard he could have been 30.

Adlibing UB's computers.

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