Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Day 425 - Headed to Xinjiang

Today we chilled out in Dunhuang city, which as we said a few days ago has very little to offer, but the day was exciting for us as it would be the day we head to Xinjiang. Xinjiang is the last province we have left to see in our monumental China challenge of adlibing our way through all of the country's provinces. All together there are 33 province-level administrative units in China, (including 4 municipalities, 22 Provinces, 5 autonomous regions, 2 special districts), and after Xinjiang we will have been to 32 of them - and we've told you many times which is the one left we can't quite get to right now!!

The only thing we really did today, other than the necessity of eating and drinking, was sit in a shady park and read our books - oh, and Adam also go to check out yet some more exercise equipment he hadn't seen before.

The day came to a close sitting in an abnormally clean and organised Chinese train station (it's like this now because it's new - give it a few years!!!), before boarding our train to Urumqi. The clean and organised trend continued on the train, where we got a whole 6-person berth to ourselves as the train was weirdly empty.

Adlibing our way to number 33.

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