Monday, May 12, 2008

Days 333-339 - Counting down

This week, nothing out of the ordinary happened - well nothing out of the ordinary if you are an English teacher in Jinan! We spent a lot of the week preparing for Liv's family arriving next week, and for our trip around Asia that begins in 3 weeks.

On Saturday night Adam and Matt decided to give the Wei Wei's Challenge a go. For those who haven't heard of this particular challenge it involves drinking 10 bottles of 600ml beer and eating 100 meat kebabs - all in 3 hours. Over half way through, Adam realised all he was going to get for completing the challenge was an extremely bad hangover the next day, so he forfeited. Matt fearlessly (and perhaps stupidly) carried on, only to pass out on the table before he could finish ...

The boys offered excuses along the lines of "I could have done it when I was still an alcoholic student", but all that really matters is that they tried!!

On Sunday Liv's mood increased 100 times when she received a call from her Mum and Dad from Shanghai! They are in the country, and only 3 days away from Jinan!!

Adlibing, adplanning, addrinking, and adwaiting our time left in Jinan ...

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